Jenny Sanford To Vogue: "I'd Like Somebody 5,000 Miles Away I Could E-Mail"

South Carolina's first lady Jenny Sanford is profiled in Vogue's September issue, where she offers a pretty intimate glimpse into her feelings about her husband Mark's infidelity. Vogue isn't a particularly surprising venue for her considering she garnered praise for her post-affair fashion (see a slideshow here).
Excerpts from the interview and photo below.
On her and Mark's courtship:

“We weren’t madly in love, but we were compatible and good friends,” she says. “I like to think we balance each other out. I am a conservative at heart, but I’m not passionate about ideas like he is. I am better at making the trains run on time...At heart, I am an old-fashioned woman. If the Lord blessed me with children and family, I knew that would be my calling.”
On her husband's affair with Maria Belen Chapur:

"Over the course of both pastoral and marriage counseling, it became clear to me that he was just obsessed with going to see this woman. I have learned that these affairs are almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography. They just can't break away from them."
On her own desire to escape:

"Everybody would like an escape sometimes. I'd like somebody 5,000 miles away I could E-mail. It's not exclusive to men, but I know that isn't realistic."
On how she feels sorry for her husband and his mistress:

What the world saw in that press conference is someone who is struggling. None of us are perfect. We are all trying to do the best we can. I also feel sorry for the other woman. I am sure she is a fine person. It can't be fun for her, though I do sometimes question her judgment...All I can do is pray for her because she made some poor choices. Mark made some poor choices."
Jenny Sanford was photographed at the Sanford's Sullivan's Island beach house by Jonathan Becker for Vogue