Filling Clinton's Senate Seat with Care

Alec Baldwin: Doing it with Care


AP/The Daily Press, Rob Ostermaier

Alec Baldwin: I am friends with many members of that family. I am a fervent supporter of some of their individual causes. But there is a right way and a wrong way to go about this in the current political climate. I think it is ill-advised for New York Democrats to play the Good Dynasty/Bad Dynasty card. Especially now. The Bad Dynasty is not even out the door. The Illinois Governor is reminding Americans that abuse of power is a non-partisan disease. And New York Governor David Paterson will also face consequences for this decision. This is more about protecting a Democratic Senate seat than romanticizing it. Appoint an individual ( or woman) who has been elected to something. Something! Click here to read more.

Andy Borowitz: Caroline Kennedy Asks to be Time's Person of the Year

Caroline Kennedy would like to be considered Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2009 and has let the magazine's editor know of her interest in the honor, aides to Ms. Kennedy confirmed today.

Jennifer Donahue: Vilsack Best Possible Secretary of Agriculture

Gov. Vilsack has integrity through and through. He is impeccable with his word, and is open about his thoughts. He also has an incredibly unusual quality for a politician (if he even is one): he listens.

David Latt: Cheney Taunts Bush, Pardon Me or Else

With his ABC interview, Dick Cheney put a smoking gun on the table. He admitted that he, along with other top administration officials, personally approved the CIA's waterboarding of prisoners.

Jeffrey Feldman: The Painfully Unwatchable White House Christmas Video

The blend of shock, incredulity, and stomach cramps I felt when I watched the first 30 seconds of the Barney Christmas video I will not soon forget.

Jane Devin: Broke is the New Cool

I've lived dangerously, with no health insurance, no benefits, and precarious hours. Until now, I've harbored something close to shame over my one-ply lifestyle, but no more.