From Giant Onions to Sour Grapes

In the highly-competitive world of amateur horticulture green-fingered Barry Micklethwaite really knows his onions and has a full trophy cabinet to prove it. 
But the veteran gardener was left in a stew after he was banned from top shows because his rivals are fed up by him winning all the time.
Angry: Gardener Barry Micklethwaite, with a super-size onion and some of his many medals, is planning to fight a ban on him entering vegetable competitions
Former steelworks manager Mr Micklethwaite, 66, is well known for his giant onions, monster parsnips and huge beetroot.
After 30 years of being South Yorkshire's undisputed King of the Veg , the pensioner, from Barnsley , was told he is no longer welcome at local shows.
Now Mr Micklethwaite has vowed to take his fight to the courts after being blacklisted by the South Yorkshire District of the National Vegetable Society.
At his home in Birdwell, Barnsley he said : 'I was looking forward to the next show in Sheffield so I phoned up for a schedule so I could decide which categories to go in for.
'But the association secretary said told me I couldn't have one. When I asked why he said: 'Because we won't want you showing... and if you turn up you won't be allowed in.
'I was gobsmacked but when I asked for a reason he just said that according to the society rules the committee could ban who they wanted without giving a reason and that's what they were doing.
'But I know the reason it's because I'm too successful. I win too much so it's all sour grapes, they're just looking for a way to keep me out.
'They don't want me there because I might be a bit too good.
'If they had been honest and said they wanted me to step down and give somebody else a chance I would have done that but they just refused to give a reason so I am determined to fight the decision.'
Top grower: Mr Micklethwaite with his prize leeks and huge onion, which will not be shown in South Yorkshire horticultural shows following the ban
Mr Micklethwaite said he had won 50 trophies in 20 years and his winnings were just £10 per category.
The secrets of his success include using top quality seeds and 'spending time with the veg'.
He added: 'I enter in quite a few classes so at the average show I might win up to £80 so maybe they think I'm winning too much cash.
'It's all a bit petty and silly. But I'm not taking it lying it down .. I'm taking legal advice.'
Officials who slapped the ban on Barry claimed he has been outlawed from regional competitions because he is a sore loser and complains about decisions.
Show secretary Brenda Neumann said: 'I don't want to put people off showing their veg in our show because we have got quite a of novice exhibitors and I want to encourage them.  
'His vegetables are phenomenal. He is a very successful grower and he could exhibit in the top national shows and win prizes but he doesn't like to lose so he won't show there.
'The main reason is that he just can't accept a decision.
'The fact that if he loses he objects and I don't know why because he is such a good grower.'