Hero immigrant handyman killed saving wealthy U.S. employers from robbers

Jose Rosales, Hero Handyman, Killed While Saving Wealthy Family From Gunmen
By Pete Kotz
We're obligated by law to start this story only one way: Jose Rosales, Occupation: Man. The Guatemalan immigrant was a handyman for the Brar family of Centreville, Virginia, working at their mansion and in their construction and real estate businesses...

He was also a devout Christian who led Bible study classes at his church -- at least when he wasn't working to send money home to Guatemala, where his two sons are in college. He'd been in America for eight years, hoping to earn enough money to buy a farm back in his homeland.

But that all came to an end Monday.

He was toiling at the Brars' 9,000-square-foot manse when two gunmen broke into their four-car garage, attempting to rob the family. That's when our humble handyman stood up.

He placed himself between the gunmen and the family and refused to let the men pass, pretending he was a family member himself. "Get away from my brother and my mom," he told them, according to the Washington Post.

Then he jumped one of the dickheads and wrestled his gun away. But the other gunman pointed his own weapon and the mother, threatening to shoot her if he didn't give the gun back.

Jose did. And that's when the shitheads decided to shoot him.

The men fled after killing Jose, and were last seen fleeing in a Toyota truck. Police aren't sure if the family was targeted, or if the bad guys randomly selected the house. Either way, they're describing Jose as a hero.

The Brar family says the same. "Without Jose, I firmly believe I would not be alive right now," Robbie Brar told the Post. "In a situation where most people probably run away, not only did he not run away, but he stood strong to protect people that are not related to him. He's a guardian angel."

May it be forever etched in stone: Jose Rosales, Occupation: Man.