If you’re in the mood to have many rooted assumptions completely destroyed, check out this interesting Wikipedia page jam-packed with a list of the world’s most common misconceptions - debunked. See some highlights below:
See them all at Wikipedia.
- It is commonly claimed that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from the Moon. This is false. None of the Apollo astronauts reported seeing any man-made object from the Moon. The misconception is believed to have been popularized by Richard Halliburton decades before the first moon landing.
- Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. Double blind trials have shown no difference in behavior between children given sugar full or sugar-free diets, even in studies specifically looking at children with attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder or those considered “sensitive” to sugar. In fact, it was found that the difference in the children’s behavior was all in the parents’ minds. - The Immaculate Conception is not synonymous with the Virgin birth of Jesus. Immaculate Conception is the Roman Catholic belief that Mary was herself conceived without original sin. The concept of the virgin birth is the belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus while remaining a virgin.